Online Dating

You’re bored, in a new city and looking for a distraction. Knowing absolutely no one, your risk of being seen and recognized on an online dating app is slim to none, so why not download one?

It all seems like fun and games until it ends up being a chore. Almost like a job, or basically just a waste of your time, effort, money and should I even say makeup.

I can’t even count how many dates I’ve been on but for the purpose of this post let’s say 50. How many of those turned out to be complete narcissistic sociopaths or just psychotic? Probably 48.

Maybe it’s me, maybe I have too high standards, maybe I’m stuck up, maybe I’m just a selfish bitch. No, actually I’m just a girl trying to meet a guy using an app based solely on looks. HELLO the whole concept is to be shallow! What kind of people do you truly expect to meet? I’ve had a few long term relationships (met off apps of course) and countless dating disasters. I’m at a point where just like many girls in their 20’s and 30’s they question, am I ever going to meet a decent person? Until then, might as well just reminisce on some cringe-worthy date stories that will at least ensure a chuckle.

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